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I really wanted this photo to be dramatic so I made it in black and white and tried to have a lot of darkness framing it. How'd I do it?

Just a random, cool-looking trash can with a motorcycle behind it. I liked the colors on the trash can so I got the photo from a unique perspective.

Part 2 of the random vibrant lady in a random vibrant photo with her new random, also vibrant friend.

love this one. My reflection in the glass, I love. And making it overly vibrant has been really fun to do in my photos recently to make glass have a cool gradience and vibrancy of color

Got this while we were eating at a cafe'

I absolutely love this photo. It makes me happy, and reminds me of feeling alive.

This picture was an accident, but it's a happy accident.

I love the shading and lighting of this photo. I imagine this man would be really sweet even though all you see is the back of his silver head.

I really love this photo. It wasn't intentionally blurry to start, but I really love that that happened. I just feel really foreign to this people, and that comes out in the photo. I love it. I hope you get something out of it like I do and enjoy it.

I really love the light and shade in this photo and how close I got to be. This was taken at a festival in Heber.