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Valentino Passerini
Madrid, Spain
Kurt Slater
New York, NY, USA
F/2 1/200 ISO 2500
Sooner or later, a given scene will force you to choose between being a passive observer or an active participant. Take for example, a disoriented blind man in an underground subway system headed toward the train tracks. The elapsed time between witnessing what is happening and understanding what is about to happen is probably 5-8 seconds. The time it takes for me to pull out my camera and compose image is probably 3-4 seconds. In that time, our surprisingly fast moving blind subject could have easily walked right off the platform onto the tracks. Would a quick snap just before that decisive moment be unethical? Probably. Would it have been awesome? I’ll let you decide. In the end, I acted reflexively to prevent at least one possibility. I can tell you that our blind subject was redirected up the stairs, through security and on to the street. It cost me a photo that could have been. The photo I wanted probably occurs about 3-4 seconds after this moment and if you are familiar with Todd Gross (Insta: @todd_gross) you can probably guess where I was going with this moment.
Sooner or later, a given scene will force you to choose between being a passive observer or an active participant. Take for example, a disoriented blind man in an underground subway system headed toward the train tracks. The elapsed time between witnessing what is happening and understanding what is about to happen is probably 5-8 seconds. The time it takes for me to pull out my camera and compose image is probably 3-4 seconds. In that time, our surprisingly fast moving blind subject could have easily walked right off the platform onto the tracks. Would a quick snap just before that decisive moment be unethical? Probably. Would it have been awesome? I’ll let you decide. In the end, I acted reflexively to prevent at least one possibility. I can tell you that our blind subject was redirected up the stairs, through security and on to the street. It cost me a photo that could have been. The photo I wanted probably occurs about 3-4 seconds after this moment and if you are familiar with Todd Gross (Insta: @todd_gross) you can probably guess where I was going with this moment.
Valentino Passerini
Madrid, Spain
Jerome Basma
Manhattan, New York, NY, USA
The street is also underground in the New York City subway. This one taken at the West 4th station last summer.
The street is also underground in the New York City subway. This one taken at the West 4th station last summer.
Andrei Savelchev
Moscow, Russia
F/2.8 1/250 ISO 3200
Thomas Götze
Cologne, Germany
F/2.8 1/45 ISO 800
wait for it …
Aleksandr Beliko
Minsk, Minsk Region, Belarus
1/100 ISO 800
Helios 44-2
Matt Flynn
San Francisco, CA, USA
Pier 39
Andrei Savelchev
Moscow, Russia
Fouad Dautovic
Berlin, Germany