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// Leica MP / Voigt Ultron 35mm / Arista Edu 200

// Leica MDa / Voigt Ultron 28mm / Ilford HP5+

"9am stroll"
// Olympus XA-3 / Ilford HP5+

"Peeping Tom"
// Nikon F3P / Voigt Ultron 40mm / Ilford HP5+

"Local Tournament"
// Nikon F3P / Voigt Ultron 40mm / Ilford HP5+

// Pentax ME / Pentax-M 28mm / Fomapan 100

// Leica MP / Voigt Ultron 35mm / Ilford HP5+

"The Conversation"
This kid was playing alone with his toy cars as his grandma and her friends were having an animated conversation at the back. He noticed me as soon as I put my camera to my eye. He came over, stand in front of me and smiled. I was about to take another picture of him when at the back, his grandma can be heard calling over to him in Hokkien - “Ah boy, don’t bother uncle (that’s me). Come back here, uncle is working.”
// Leica M6TTL / Voigt Nokton 35mm / Ilford HP5+

“Working Class Hero”
I was walking along Hindoo Road when I came across this huge mural standing tall across the street. Easily recognisable and a hugely popular superstar. I crossed over to get closer, quickly framing the building. As I was just about to release the shutter, I noticed paramedic staff attending to someone below the mural. There were a few onlookers nearby. Someone can be heard speaking to the person being attended to, trying to revive the person or checking if he’s responsive. I realized I had passed through an ambulance a moment ago while crossing the street. I didn’t get closer to see what was happening. I recompose and take the shot.
// Leica MP / Voigt Ultron 35mm / Arista Edu 200

There used to be a stretch of family owned mom-and-pop stores along this small building block. Most of them have either moved-out, or shuttered permanently as the area has been slated for en-bloc re-development. Nearly all of the long-time residents living in the surrounding area have relocated to a newly built housing estate nearby.
// Leica CL / Voigt Ultron 28mm / Kentmere 400